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Environment Protection-a blind narrative
More surprisingly, no one has wondered that still this narrative of “environment protection” is getting strengthened. Why? Because we never tried to learn and answer in same chronology the questions:...
Abhinav Choudhary
10/7/20231 min read
The origin of the term “environment protection” can be traced back in 18th century’s Industrial Revolution. The term started to walk on its feet when the “First World” found itself insecure by seeing the “Second World” exploiting the “resources” in the same manner as it exploited earlier. This feeling of insecurity further aggravated and disturbed the balance of power.
Today, some missed noticeable things in this quest of power are: firstly, both the worlds considered the products in nature as resources; secondly, they never tried to shed their exploitative nature- even today; thirdly, both started blaming each other for damaging environment which strengthened the shield (environment protection) behind which exploitation continues; fourthly, they strengthened this so much so that everyday talks happen but the rice are still not even washed to cook- because they have no water; and lastly, the “Third World” states like Bhutan are laughing on the other two.
Recently, CoViD-19 pandemic took place (still not ended) and imprinted both- bad and good- aspects of it. The bad are that it taken away livelihood of millions and more disastrous is that it took many innocent lives of not only humans but also of animals and plants. The good of it could be seen through naked eyes in the seas and the skies which are also filmed in various documentaries.
More surprisingly, no one has wondered that still this narrative of “environment protection” is getting strengthened. Why? Because we never tried to learn and answer in same chronology the questions: Are we the protector of environment? Does the environment need our protective shield? If yes, then how we will protect it? If the answer is by stopping harming to it, then the question arises- how we protected it?
So, the need of the hour is not to “protect” the environment but to stop harming to it. This can help it to protect itself from further “degradation” and can help it to recover faster. This will ultimately protect us.
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